About Me

I am an ordained minister with in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I was ordained in 1980. I have served congregations in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. I have officiated at weddings in all three provinces.

I and my wife, Alberdina, returned to New Brunswick in 1997 and continue to live in Moncton. We have three adult children (and 3 grandchildren). We have lived as a foster family within three Canadian provinces for 26+ years. Currently I do individual, couple, family and Intimate Partner Violence therapy at Family Service Moncton (since 2002). Alberdina (the primary parent) and I are the parents in the Peel Children's Centre parent model home in Moncton (since 2008).

Since returning to New Brunswick, I have been a member of the Coalition Against Abuse in Relationships in Moncton. In 2003 I was a founding member of the provincial MensWork Network for Change and acted as coordinating liaison for 2 years. This Network began a dialogue with men who expressed an interested in working with other men to end violence against women and children.


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